Did you know that it’s National Financial Awareness Day on August 14?
Financial Awareness Day is an annual event that aims to promote financial education and wellness. It involves having the knowledge and confidence to make informed financial decisions and effectively manage your finances.
Broaden your knowledge
Financial education isn’t just one lesson to learn, and you’re done. It’s a process - start by reading personal finance topics. CCCU has articles on budgeting, saving, debt management and investing in the form of blogs, emails and other free resources. And, if you want something quick to listen to in the car or while doing chores, we have a podcast you can subscribe to called The Perfect Bite. Check out this episode about Building Your Emergency Fund.
Review your financial situation
If you haven’t looked at your finances in a while, use this time as an opportunity to identify what aspects you want to improve. This step can help you plan for rainy days which can alleviate stress and debt accumulation.
Use the Financial Wellness Assessment to help you determine your financial strengths and weaknesses.
Plan for your future
One of the benefits of embracing financial education is it can also help you live a more fulfilling life, free from the stress and anxiety that typically comes with financial strain. Use this time to plan for your monthly budget, start to build an emergency fund or invest in your retirement plan.
Learn the seven tips for a secure future on our blog entitled, How to Prepare for Retirement Financially.
In conclusion, embracing financial education can help you make informed decisions and avoid financial problems. By taking the time to learn about your finances, you can achieve financial freedom and live a more fulfilling life. Follow CCCU on Facebook and Instagram for daily financial tips!